Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Little Fish That Could

All summer my hot tub has become Christian's own personal pool! We turned the temperature way down and he will just stay in there all day if we would let him. If he's not swimming in the hot tub he's swimming at the club. A few days ago when we were at the pool, I saw him watching an older boy who was probably eight or so, he was watching him so intently as he was swimming underwater. He then turned to me and said "Gigi watch!" Sure enough he went under and started swimming! He is my little fish that can! He is sure to go far in life with his determination!

Since our laptop is having major issues I finally snuck to my husbands office and am in the process of downloading all my photos from France onto his work computer...he's not thrilled but is being sooo understanding that I just can't wait any longer. So check back soon for a quick trip through France!


MelanieJoy said...

He is too cute! Keep praying and following....I'll continue to pray.

Angela Baylis said...

Okay, Missy... you'll have to teach me how to do this! And... I'll expect a lot more of these videos!
Precious, just precious! I miss you guys!
Love you,
Annie xoxo

JeanMac said...

Oh, can't wait for pics!

Jean said...

Can't wait!