Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who is in Control...the big picture

Yesterday my son went flying with one of his best friends. It's hard to believe but his friend Chris got his pilots license this week. I have to admit, I still remember Chris as a young boy so the thought of flying with him or even having Loren fly with him is rather scary.

When I saw some of the pictures they took my first thought was... look at all those controls, oh my goodness. It reminded me of my life and who is sitting at my control panel.

Sometimes its hard, sometimes very hard to give up our control. I have to admit that sometimes I try to take over, I try to make God my co-pilot. But when I think of all those buttons and knobs, I really dont want to be in control. God knows which buttons to push and which knobs to turn, He can keep me heading in the right direction. He is my pilot, I am so glad that He is in control!

The other thing that I saw was some awesome photos of our house, our subdivision and our city. They really made me think of how different things are when we see the "big picture." God has our picture, sometimes I want to see so much more of it than I get to. Sometimes I truly think I forget its even there. You know the times, the times when He says NO, or when He sends us bad news or bad situations into our lives. Its easy to forget there are reasons and that God does have the big picture. I can't wait to see the BIG PICTURE and how God has weaved all the days of my life together.


MelanieJoy said...

Oh how you know that I'm here in reality right now. I still don't know how to explain what is going on in my thoughts right now. I just wanted to thank you for all your love and prayers this's been a bit rough around here.

Jill said...

What a wonderful experience and your words are so true. I love that last photo...and that little light house down there!

JeanMac said...

Wow, great post.

Angela Baylis said...

I'm thinking about the song... "God is in Control"! I love this word picture! Loren looks so relaxed, as usual!

Love you,
Ann xoxo

Justabeachkat said...

What a great post! I love the way you used this awesome experience of your son to remind us of letting God be in control. We're all safe when we let that happen.
