Monday, November 19, 2007

Our 1st Special Needs Respite Day

Well after a year of planning and organizing, we finally kicked off our 1st Buddies Plus Respite Program. Our Special Needs Ministry has just gotten up and running, full force. Praise God, what amazing things He is doing in our ministry. At this time we have 7 kids who are able to attend Sunday School every week, with their Buddy, a one-on-one friend and assistant who is there not only for the child but for their family also. So on Saturday we saw another area of ministry starting to take form. We provide a respite program for our special needs kids and their siblings, parents were able to drop their children off from 1:00 - 4:00 and then enjoy whatever they chose off campus. Some parents did shopping while we heard a few others who chose a long uninterrupted nap. We are planning on making this a quarterly program, for the time being. And since our 1st one went off without a hitch, we are planning on inviting other area churches to join us....and then opening it to our community. We believe that God has big plans for this program....and that we commit this program to glorify His Name! Here are a few pictures from the day!

I was truly blessed by this day and all the children who attended!


Justabeachkat said...

Wow! What a wonderful ministry! Our God is good...all the time.

BTW, how is your Mom doing? Good, I hope.


Angela Baylis said...

How nice that you get to be a part of this from the beginning. What a great Ministry. How exciting! These parents must be so happy about this program! Thanks for sharing your pictures, too!
Angie xoxo

Dawn said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your story and can't wait to read more on it. :)