Monday, November 5, 2007

Prayer Request

*UPDATE* My mom is still in need of your prayers. She struggled through her surgery, getting sick on the anesthetic and the pain relievers they were giving her. It has been a slow road, full of pain with not much comfort. She said that she never dreamt that it would be SO painful, and that each day she tries to get through 10 minutes at a time. So please continue to keep her in your prayers. Thank you so much sisters!

Please pray for my mom, Mary who is having a total knee replacement on Tuesday. She has had a lot of back and knee pain for months, probably years, and finally they are doing a knee replacement. As time has gone on she has a hard time walking or getting up and down. So I'm praying that this surgery will help her to be pain free and able to enjoy her life more.

My mom and I have always had a special relationship. One of my biggest "God moments" was when God provided for both of us. I was living out of town, when circumstances lead to my husband and I moving our family back to my home town. We were very excited about being back near my family. We had only been back for two weeks when I received a phone call telling me, my mom had had a seizure and they had found a brain tumor. The day before my mom's seizure my in-laws had called and said they were driving over to visit...they were actually in Chicago, only a hour away..they thought they would surprise us! Well, they ended up staying for quite awhile and they helped take care of our kids, made meals, cleaned and helped us finish that I could be with my mom and my family. I still often remember this time and it always touches my heart that my God would provide for me in such an obvious way. He is in control of our everything. I love that He can orchestrate such amazing plans.

So, as my mom heads back to surgery I am reminded of all He does for us. Please lift her, her surgery, and her recovery up to the Lord. I love that we can come to our sisters in Christ....our sisters in blog land...and know that they will lift up our prayers and concerns. Thank you so much!


Angela Baylis said...
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MelanieJoy said...

wow, Stacey I'll put your mom in my prayers. I pray that she has a speedy and complete recovery- that it will be a success and relieve her of the pain.

Angela Baylis said...

I'm praying for your mom, Stacey! I know she's in good hands! I'll also pray for the doctors who are doing the surgery, that they will have wisdom, knowledge and focus when they are performing the surgery! Thanks for sharing your concerns with your blog siestas! I totally believe in the power of prayer!

Love you,
Annie xoxo

Justabeachkat said...

I'll pray for your Mom and that her surgery is successful and that she recovers completely.


Angela Baylis said...

I'm still praying for your mom! You are a great daughter! Hopefully I will still see you tomorrow! I'll call you later!

Unknown said...

Stacey, how is she doing? My mom had this done to both knees. It ended up being wonderful for her, although the six week recovery was painful. I will pray for her for the pain!

Angela Baylis said...

Absolutely LOVE the new pictures on your sidebar!
I am still praying for your mom! Thanks for the "Update"
Annie xoxo

MelanieJoy said...

I've been wondering how she is. I will continue to pray for her. It's so tough watching someone we love hurt- you just want to take the pain away somehow. Praying...

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Stacey

Just wondering how your Mom is doing? I pray all is good.


Angela Baylis said...

I really LOVE the picture of you and your mom! :)
How's Loren's tooth? Is it blog worthy? Please share!
Love you,
Annie xoxo

Angela Baylis said...

p.s. We have an invitation for next August, siesta! I'll tell you about it later.