Monday, October 29, 2007

Wonderful Wisconsin Weekend

We had such a great time in Door County this weekend. It was the perfect fall weekend, the colors were beautiful, the air was crisp, the trails were gorgeous, the food was terrific and the company was great! It's hard to be in this beautiful countryside and not sing and praise God for His creation. What an artist Our God is. Here we are driving into Peninsula State Park! Chris and I, with our friends Patrick and Terry. Having all worked with our Senior High Youth Group, Patrick insisted that we play the name game...where your fellow friends can give you a new name for the day. So, in this picture we actually have: Norm, Cherokee, Milo and Marianne!
Chris and I, at the top of Eagles Look-out, we climbed up after biking the first 10 miles. I wasn't sure I would make it. So here's proof!
Our lunch spot on day two, it was chilly on the trails (40-mid50s) but this was the perfect spot. We packed sandwiches, bananas, chips and salsa and some cookies! We were tempted to take a nap before heading out again.
Terri (Marianne) and I, gearing up after lunch. This was us sporting the "layered look" at this point I was wearing: bike shorts, long underwear, bike pants, two tanks, one short sleeved shirts, one long sleeved shirt, and two sweatshirts....headband and gloves were a must also!
This was one of three deer that we saw! I have a feeling that we sped by a lot of others that we just didn't see. Chris assured me that I could get a better picture if he went up the road and headed her in my direction. I felt this was a nice picture and didn't need to have a deer running at me. She was close enough!

Photo shot at the Bay! We had such a great time. We ended up biking 35-40 miles over the weekend. Peninsula Park has awesome trails, we stayed on the bike trail must of the time, but on one trip we decided to take a hiking path....what a amazing trail it was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. It was a very rugged course over a lot of tree roots, hills and of course billions of leaves. My body was sore that night but it was worth it!
The next day we actually started off on a course that was marked "off trail riding." The sign should have been enough of a had a mountain outline, but hey we thought it looked like fun. I don't think we made it a half mile before we turned around. The steep hill that started the course with logs the size of my thighs....was definitely not for us! Here's Milo and Marianne!

The beautiful bay! I can't wait to go back! We did have the best time! God is so Good! What gifts He gives us every day!


Unknown said...

What Fun!!! Your pictures are amazing. My husband and I are hikers and bikers. We do both mountain and road. Once the kiddos are a bit older, we hope to spend more time in the saddle. Thanks for visiting my blog. Many blessings!!
Rachel <><

Angela Baylis said...

Okay, this is one of your BEST posts ever! I looks like you guys had a great weekend! I am so impressed that you rode so far! You must have been freezing...knowing you!

Thank you for sharing your Wonderful Wisconsin Weekend with us! You'll have to share the name game with us sometime!

Love you-
Annie xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for that encouraging comment on my blog. I appreciate it so much and will take heed of your words. I am totally the type to get sucked in. Your words were a reminder to me to keep my family as first priority, and everything else will fall into place! My kids are still little and they need me!!! They are my life...the rest all has to fit in around them!
Thank you so much for your words!

Justabeachkat said...

Okay...I'm officially jealous! Big time. What a beautiful place. Living in Florida is hard during the Fall. I miss seeing the leaves changing. Your photos are beautiful. What a wonderful trip.


Jenny said...

How breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures! It was wonderful see Door County again. When I was younger, we would take family trips up there!

Tonja said...

What great pictures. No one can imitate the great art of God. Looks as if you had a great trip.