Monday, January 7, 2008


Well this isn't exactly the problem...but I have some issues! I thought maybe some of my blog siestas could help me out.
I have always loved our church, I love everything about it. But lately I have been having a big problem...and of all things, with worship. So how big of a problem is it when you are so distracted by worship? Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like I need things to be exactly the same or that I can't handle change but our church is heading down a path that I am really struggling with. We have always had great worship leaders and worship teams, we sing mostly contemporary music, you know Amazing Love, We Exalt Thee, How great is our God, In Christ Alone...I could go on and on. But our worship team is starting to put some new twist to these old familiar songs, they are adding signature or personal style to my much loved songs. Not just a little difference and not just switching it can change from one Sunday to another. You know just when you think you can catch on, they change it again. It seems more like a performance where we are watching and waiting, waiting to see what changes are coming.
And I'm so sorry but it has led me to be very distracted...each Sunday I try my hardest to have an open mind. I actually try to not think about it. I want to walk into church, I want to worship, I want to hear God speak to me, I want to fellowship.
So what does a siesta do? I'm trying but I'm losing faith. I don't want to be negative but I need a little advice. Worship is huge to me...I love to be drawn into His presence....I love to sing praises to my Father and to feel Him stir softly or in big ways in my heart. I want to feel Him and not feel moments of disappointment with whats NOT happening. Please pray for me!


Jean said...

I'm sorry you're needing to struggle with this. I pray that your leaders will guard against the pressure to "keep up". Even among worship leaders there is peer pressure!

Jill said...

I will be praying for you. And, just so you know, I struggle with issues like this in my own church. I am always so "turned off" by the fact that, these days, everything has to be so entertaining and that things seem to never be "good enough". Sometimes traditional and old is good. We have KIDS CHURCH at our church and our son hates to go because it's literally done on a stage and it's so loud I have no idea how the kids even hear the message.

JeanMac said...

Stacey, I understand totally. Our church changed their music program to the point hymns were no longer used. The type of music was not soul comforting - W was just in the initial stage of Alzheimer's and very rattled - we would go home - both kind of wired and not feeling peaceful.Several elderly people had to change churches as it was upsetting to them.

MelanieJoy said...

Remember when I was just in the stages of changing churches? The biggest issue I had with change was the music. I was attending a church that sang contemporary and it was as you say the thing for me that would draw my heart closer to Him more than anything. The church I was feeling God lead me to was old hymn with NO desire to change. I think there are types of music that each of us have that do that draw us close. I guess the church can't attend to everyones likes....however I totally get what you are saying. Maybe your worship team is trying to find a balance somewhere OR maybe they are going through some kind of struggle with satan over their anointing in their gift. I will be praying for you, the worship team and church as a whole.

Fran said...

Hey Stacey....
I'm sitting here thinking about this. I work at my church and sometimes help plan worship. My first thought is "let them know" exactly how you feel. I've sat in so many meetings where the leaders say..."why didn't someone tell me!"
And, I feel that way too sometimes when I'm feeling a certain way about something...."Why didn't I tell them."

So, pray about that part of it. I won't be as bad as you think! :)

Also, talk to others that you trust and confide in and not gossip about it and see how others feel. That helps too.

I'm praying for you. Im praying for all of us and our churches!
Love ya~

Tonja said...

Hi, my friend,
I can understand how you are feeling. In my church...very conservative Southern Baptist, we sing mostly hymns. The oldies, but goodies. In the past year, we have lost a music director and have had several interim leaders. Most of these were younger, and were all about the contemporary music. This really did not set well with the older members of our church, my parents included. I really enjoy the contemporary music, as do most of the younger membership . However, I also really love the old hymns. I think there can be a balance. We have a new music minister now, but he is very young. He tends to lean more toward the contemporary. What is the hardest for me is when they begin singing a new chorus or song, and just assume everyone in the congregation knows it. Then, you really feel left out of the worship service. I think a balance can be reached with a minister who is sensitive to the fact that there are all ages in the worship service.

anna said...

hello dear blogger friend,
this is a VERY disconcerting topic. I AM WITH YOU! i go to church to worship, feel the Lord's spirit, and be among other believers. it can be distracting to deal with such things when you are trying to partake of the goodness of God. my advice would be to pray about it. God will tell you what to do, how to feel, and HE will lead you the right direction. meanwhile, i will pray for you! ~love,anna

Angela Baylis said...

I'm praying that you have a good worship service tomorrow! Love you-Annie xoxo


I go to a small Southern Baptist Church where for the past 20 years, the choir leader that was in charge of the music only used the hymnals there at church....and the "little red book" for the choir specials. But that is all he knew....(he volunteered his services to lead the choir). We do have alot of older people, but now we're beginning to get some younger folks, too....I love the old songs yet there has to be a blend of music because the message should have an impact on all who hear. Music tuly is a message in song. I believe that music is a ministry in itself. I sing in our small choir and that is what our "interim choir leader" reminds us...we are to sing for God's Glory and only His. We definitely are not trying to "perform", yet I have been in bigger churches and that is what sometimes happens. Our interim choir leader tries to be sensitive to all age groups when choosing the songs for us to sing. We do not have Praise music at all...we sing from the hymnals for the congregational songs (by piano and organ) and then the choir has its "special". And yes, we have had comments, both good and bad about the choir specials. But if it brings God Glory, and hearts are tendered by it, and souls are fed from it, then the music has done what it was suppose to do. Maybe you should go to the music leaders and express your concerns....they may not even realize what is happening.

nancygrayce said...

It seems that this is a problem in a lot of churches today. We sometimes forget that we sing or pray or worship for an audience of One. Sometimes, we want to be too much like the world.