Thursday, January 31, 2008

Praising God in the Gym

Well this is what Ive been doing alot lately. Ive been spending my afternoons working out. I have really missed biking and getting my much needed excersice, so I started up my winter gym membership. I of course have big know the ones, getting fit, losing weight and training for the womens triathalon. But today it occured to me the best benifit might not be physical after all. I have had some amazing times of worship. My SIL Angie (By Faith) downloaded some great songs onto my new iphone when we were together for the holidays and what a blessing it has been. As you know Ive been struggling with the "worship" at our church lately and I think God is opening my eyes to some different forms of worship. I have had some great times of praise and worship and I have listened to some great teaching in the gym. Now if I could just learn to sing in my heart and stop belting it out. Ive been thinking that the headphones the other members wear are more to protect them from my singing than for their own listening pleasures. Praising God in the gym!!!


Angela Baylis said...

This post made your SIL (By faith...Angbaylis) very happy! I just KNEW you'd love the music! You better start worrying though, because you'll become an addict (and I'm not talking about working out)! I listened to "Yahweh" on my way home from work tonight! I've heard it a 100 times, yet it felt like the first time! Isn't working out, I mean Praising God fun?

Love you, siesta!!!
Yay, San Antonio... here we come!
Annie xoxo

p.s. When is that triathlon again? I better get going! Now I'm stressed. Is it too late to work out tonight?

Unknown said...

I am jealous for the iphone!

I do live with my earphones attached to my ears. I have a TON of praise and worship music..if you ever want any suggestions on new music feel free to ask!

So happy your workouts are productive in more than one way! YAY.

Fran said...

If you could only see me on my treadmill with my headphones on....I'm just a singing and almost kind of dancing on the treadmill. Can't do that in the gym!

Music is key when I workout. Keep going girl!


Jean said...

Oh, I can just imagine you singing out loud in a gym with the headphones on!!

There just is nothing like praise and worship music to bring the presence of God right into the room.

Angela Baylis said...

Came over here wishing I could see another post!
Come on, siesta... you have so much to share!

Love you,

Lelia Chealey said...

Good post! I need to form an exercise habit so bad!!! I just need that push to get going. I'll walk tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing!