Saturday, February 23, 2008

Go baptize and tell all the nations

I am so sorry its taken me so long to get this update out!!! This is just a short note that Chris wrote to our family and friends, highlighting some of his trip. I am so thankful that I could come to my sisters in Christ and ask for prayers to be lifted to our God for my husband, this team and for the many thousands who heard and saw Gods love during these 12 days. Thank you so much!

Our group returned Tuesday from India. What a trip it was. We totally relied on God's Grace and Mercy, and HE was Faithful! The "God Sightings" were too numerous to count. We shared the Gospel Message to between 2000 and 3000 people. Using a generator and a portable MP3 player, we showed the Jesus Film (all of which Grace members donated) to many in remote areas of Assam, India. As in the Book of Acts, many "Heard, Repented and were Baptized." We prayed over and anointed with oil, sick people. We showed the Jesus Film to school aged kids as well as adults. We invited thousands to make a personal decision for Christ. We taught illiterate new believers with story telling about the Gospel, Prayer, Communion and Evangelism. We also loved on the children the way Jesus loved on the children when He said "the Kingdom belongs to such as these."
I had the opportunity to return to the Mising Village, and visited a believer there. Last year, he was struggling and none of his neighbors wanted much to do with this Jesus he spoke of. We had our sack lunch near his home (a bamboo hut) and prayed that God would show Himself to that area someday, and that there would someday be a church built on that spot, to the Glory of God. Eleven months later, do you know there is a church building on that spot where we prayed! And it produced so much fruit that next door they had to build another one, bigger than the first. I was brought to my knees by His Faithfulness. How Good is He! I will pray more expectantly from now on.
I also may add that Satan was not happy with our Gospel penetration in his homeland. As I was sharing to a family of 8 or 9 people using the "Evange-cube", I had told of God's great love for us, creating a relationship with Him, man sinning and separation from God, God loving us more and sending Christ the Saviour, who made the Holy men of the time so mad they killed him, ... as I opened the cube to show the Crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross, pigs outside the home began going crazy, squealing and snorting very loudly. It totally broke the concentration of the folks hearing the Message. It took quite a while to re-capture their attention. As I was telling Bob Magruder of that experience, he asked if I was traveling with Chuck Kuiper that day. I told him I wasn't. He was shocked and began telling me that the same thing happened when Chuck was presenting the Gospel in another area of the village. At the same spot in the presentation! As the Bible tells us, our battle is not with flesh and blood.
There are many more stories to tell. It was a true Ephesian 2-10 trip, each of us used by God in a way that HE prepared in advance for us to do.


Angela Baylis said...

As I spoke with Chris about the trip yesterday I felt like every story deserved its own post. There were so many miracles just in the short time he was there. And... to think that his team of 16 people raised enough money to build 3 more churches and so much more! I loved the picture of the one that is standing in the exact place where they prayed just 11 months ago! God is so good and I was so blessed to hear all of the stories. I could tell Chris wasn't feeling his best when I talked to him on the phone and yet he was so excited about what God did in India he was going to tell me no matter what!

Enjoy Christian's party! I can't wait for pictures.

Thank you for sharing this awesome post!
Love you guys!
Annie xoxo

annette said...

All I can say is wow. And so much to His Glory. Those pictures say more than the words. Their faces, the water, the baptising water. What an amazing trip filled with His miracles. Thank you for telling the story. love to you, Annette