Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The BIG storm

Well we are still under a major snow far we have about 14 inches with the possiblity of up to 20! Oh it is beautiful...but it just keeps coming. Everything in town is closed today, schools, business' even the mall. Its a perfect day for a fire, a warm quilt and a good book. So this is where I'll be! Keep us in your prayers.


Jean said...

That does look so beautiful. It seems like a long time since we've had a big snow like that. I like it if I don't have to go anywhere, but I'm a big chicken about driving.

Angie said...

Stay cozy! Make some hot chocolate and some of those famous "No Bake" Cookies and I think you'll be okay! I pray you are all safe!

Thanks for your prayers, Stacey! I pray they fall on their knees!
Love you,
Annie xoxo

Angela Baylis said...

p.s. I just heard the song on my iPod.. "Whiter than Snow".


nancygrayce said...

Man does that look cold!

Fran said...

I cannot get my mind around this kind of snow!!! Its just beautiful! Hope you are doing ok.
Stay warm!


Justabeachkat said...

Brrrrrrrrr....those photos are gorgeous, but it makes me a little cold just to see them. Stay warm.

I haven't been by in awhile so it's been fun tonight reading all your posts I've missed.


Pamela (His maidservant) said...

Your photos are beautiful but it really makes me wish for spring!!
Stay warm!
In His Grace~Pamela

JeanMac said...

Oh, I love the chairs covered in snow - now,that's worthy of a frame!