Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On the Mission Field

I just finished reading an update from our youth pastor who is on a mission trip with 30 of our senior high students. Two of the students on the trip are my son Loren and my daughter Ally. They are in New Orleans for the week working on alot of hurricane relief projects, teaching VBS, and working with the homeless that remain in the area. Reports and updates so far have been filled with many emotions..mainly a sadness at the loss, the despair and the destruction. But the resounding Hope that they bring to share has been uplifting to not only those they are ministering to, but also to those that are ministering! As I sat once again praying for the team. my heart beams when I think of the heart that God gave to my children...the heart for missions!! As much as a mom can be proud of her kids my mind goes to how much more God is pleased with them. Well done, my good and faithful servant. (Matthew 25:21)


Angela Baylis said...

I know you are so proud of your children and I am SO proud of my niece and nephews! What a legacy you are leaving for them! They are such a blessing to all of the lives they touch along the way! God is smiling down on you all! :)

Love you,
Annie xoxo

Angela Baylis said...

Love the new background! I used to have that one :)
AND... you figured out your picture issue! I hope you feel a lot better now!!!

Can't wait for another post... :)

Angela Baylis said...

I left you an important message on the comments of my last post!

Annie :)