Monday, July 23, 2007

What a cutie!

Oh my goodness....does he make me smile! I just love this picture of my grandson Christian. God does something awesome with grandkids...He gives you all the love you had for your kids and multiplies it by so many things. Its multiplied by memories, feelings, love and than increased with wisdom from having been a parent and having more years of wisdom. You truly understand now..that time does fly, that they grow up too fast, and that you can never go back. I think its awesome that grandparents can marvel over every little thing, we can marvel over a smile, a tooth, a new word and we can marvel at how much our precious grandchild reminds us of our precious child! How easy it is to be taken back years with just the tiniest look or action that reminds you and can have your grown adult sitting back in the kitchen cupboard playing with that same tupperware bowl! What a blessing. Kids and grandkids!! Two of God's greatest gifts! Thank You for ALL my blessings.....Chris, Christopher, Loren, Ally and Christian!


MelanieJoy said...


Hey! Welcome to the world of blogging. First of all I have to say- how CUTE is your Christian!!!
I ran across your blog from another Sister's blog.
Ohhh my gosh my heart leaped with JOY when I read your profile! I also work with special needs kids. I haven't met anyone else yet that does. I have been working for a year now with children with Autism.
We have incorporated a special needs team/ministry into our Children's Church where I attend. We have a small church 80 at the most and we have 4 Autistic kids that attend. Of course this means we have two sets of brothers that are Autistic. I think we can agree on this Special Needs Kids are awsome. Don't their families need (and us/workers/teacher) prayers and encouragement?!?
Hope to talk with you...

Angela Baylis said...

He is TOO cute! I love that picture! I can't wait to be a grandmother, too! (In a long time!!!)

Shelly said...

Welcome to blogville sister! You are just absolutely beautiful!

And that new grandson...oh my! Darling!

Your heart for the Lord is beautiful - it doesn't take much to know after reading your profile and hearing your heart come out in your words.

Again, great to 'meet' you !

MelanieJoy said...

Hey! I was hoping you would stop by my way. One of the families we have started coming to our church because we offered a place for their kids. I know what you mean by the dad's tears of joy to be able to enjoy service again. If you come back over to my blog my email add. is on my profile and we can exchange addresses and talk more...if that's ok.

Justabeachkat said...

Hi there!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your very sweet comment. Please come're always welcome.

I've enjoyed my visit here too and will be back. It's kinda nice to visit a new blog, especially one that has just been started so I can "catch up" and go forward.

I can tell yours will be a good one. I know your heart is good.

I love the photo of Christian. You're right...he's a cutie pie!
