Thursday, October 25, 2007

21 Years

Today is my Anniversary....21 Years. Who would have thought!

I still remember the day I met him. I was in Up With People, traveling through the Midwest at the time, with Chris's youngest sister Mary. We pulled up to where we were performing one day and there Mary stood with her brother and her boyfriend at the time, not knowing who was visiting her I remember asking her "Hey, who is that cute guy your with?" She replied, Oh him, that's my brother. Well, she introduced us and that night when the three of them were heading out for dinner....Chris came over and invited me to join them. We had a great time, we both agree now that we were just ourselves not trying to impress, since it technically wasn't "a date", and we both never really thought we would see the other again.

Well, obviously we did see each other again. And here we are 21 years later.

The Lord has blessed us and our marriage along the way. He blessed us with a loving family, wonderful friends, an awesome church, and he gave us both big hearts for our kids, our foster kids, our Senior High youth group and world missions.

I believe that if we are all honest, some Anniversaries are better than other. In any marriage there are good days, weeks, months and years and also a few bad. Well after 21 years of marriage to Chris I should have known not to clean out our basement yesterday. I should have know what would happen...I mean it has happened every time I try to organize. I start weeding through things and making piles you know.... garbage, give away, save. Do we really need to keep every book that my kids have ever read, I mean there's no way I would ever get rid of Chicka-Chicka Boom-Boom, Curious George, Little House on the Prairie, you get the idea. I don't need to keep all those craft items, when I haven't touched crafts in the last 5 years. Do we need the McDonald Land toys from 10 years ago, when my grandson's collection from now a days is already out of control. And let's talk about the golf know the ones, the ones that don't make it into his office, the ones from 10-20 years ago....for second and third place, the ones that have been in a box in storage for 10-20 years.

Like I said...I don't know what I was thinking???? It was the day before our Anniversary!!!! As Chris was searching through the garbage, he saw me throw "something" away, he turned and said, "Hey, is that the remote control to the little t.v. that we've been looking for?" Yes, dear I finally found it....and just thought I would throw it away!!

We are heading up north to beautiful Door County, Wisconsin this weekend for a great weekend to celebrate! Praise God, there will be no closets or basements to organize!


Justabeachkat said...

Happy Happy Anniversary. Loved seeing the photo. What a handsome couple you make! Congratulations! Have a wonderful trip.


Angela Baylis said...

Awe, Stacey! I can't believe you've been my sister-in-law for 21 years! I have always loved you as my sister from the start! You are my brother's better half. Oops, am I allowed to admit that? Just kidding! You guys are such good role models for your children and grandchildren. You have made each other your #1 priority and you've done a great job with Eph. Chapter 5! God is undoubtedly the center of your lives and your marriage! It's a joy to be around such a loving couple who has the kind of marriage that all would want to have. (Even if you do throw away his prized posessions!!)

I hope you guys have a great time celebrating this weekend! Take some pictures of yourselves to share. The colors should be amazing... the perfect backdrop!

I love you guys so much!
Annie xoxo

Patty said...

You are a winner in my contest. Come and see what you have won!


MelanieJoy said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great story! I've always prayed if it's God's will for me to marry that as a married couple we could share in the same ministry. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary! As my husband and I approach 10 months of marriage :) I can only hope that in 21 years we are as happy as you and yours! Congratulations!


Sandy said...

Happy Anniversary Stacey! I came over from Jill's blog ... :)