Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I've been tagged by my sister-in-law Annie over at By Faith. These are always a fun way to learn new and different things about each other, so if your reading this consider yourself tagged and then make sure to let me know so I can stop by and read all about your man.

1. Who is your man? Christopher Arthur

2. How long have you been together? We will be celebrating 21 years this month!

3. How long did you date? We dated the first time for about 6 months, long distance and then after breaking up for a few months we were back together for about 8 months before we were married.

4. How old is your man? 50!! I'm a lot younger

5. Who eats more? He does!

6. Who said I love you first? He did!

7. Who is taller? He is..but not by much

8. Who sings better? He does...but we sound pretty nice together

9. Who is smarter? He is

10. Whose temper is worse? Probably mine

11. Who does the laundry? I do... but he is always willingly to help and will usually throw a load in every now and then..even without being asked.

12. Who takes out the trash? He does

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do...I have to. I'm one of those people who just can't sleep on the "other side"

14. Who pays the bills? He does...I would actually be in a lot of trouble if anything every happened to him.

15. Who is better with the computer? He is...I'm getting better, but doubt I will ever catch up with him.

16. Who mows the lawn? He does...he bought a riding lawn mower and loves to ride and smoke a cigar.

17. Who cooks dinner? I do...when we aren't eating out! :) But he will also help out sometimes with cooking.

18. Who drives when you are together? He does....he enjoys driving and would prefer to drive always. On long trips I will help, but usually not for very long.

19. Who is the most stubborn? Oh...we both can be very stubborn!

20. Whose parents do you like the most? We love all our parents...but we see my parents more, only due to location.

21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me.

22. Who asked out who? He asked me...I was traveling with "Up With People" with his sister the first time we met, he asked me to dinner while we were on the road.

23. Who proposed? He did! I had been wanting a pair of Reebok's newest tennis shoe....the saddle shoe. He put my ring inside the shoe and shocked me.

24. Who has more friends? We tie...we both have friends from school, work and church. But we spend most of our time with mutual friends! We have great friends!

25. Who has more siblings? He does....he comes from a family of seven, 5 girls and two boys. Our family is myself and 2 sisters.


Angela Baylis said...

Such sweet comments about you and my big brother! It was nice learning all about you guys in the early days! Time sure flies! I forgot about the Reeboks!

You were a lot nicer than I was... oops!
I wonder if I should go and adjust my answers? Last night I asked him who he thinks is a better singer. He said he thought I was! Haha... and when I told him that I wrote that he was a loud singer... and piano player, we both laughed SO hard! The question had nothing to do with piano playing or the volume! :)

Justabeachkat said...

Love reading these things for some reason. I guess because it helps us learn more about each other.

BTW, I loved Up With People! I haven't thought about them in years though. You should do a post about your experiences, etc. What a great time you must have had.


MelanieJoy said...

I love reading these- it really helps us get to know each other more. Hope you are doing well. How is the Bible study going? Ours ended on Tues. I learned so much!!
We took the kids at work on a field trip today. We went to one of those places that have the jumpers, slides and ball pits. They...okay we had a blast but Girl my legs are killing me =)
I'm sooooo out of shape. Soon as I get off here I'm going to crawl in the bed. Take care!!!!!

Angela Baylis said...

I love you guys! I think you should come back to blog world. Did I tell you I printed mine out and made 3 books? It's a great keepsake! I loved reviewing your blog this afternoon. I should be writing out thank you notes, but this is more fun!

I'm praying for you and loved our visit last night!
Annie xoxo